To connect Motilal Oswal to AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading software, follow these steps:
1. Generate the API key from the Motilal Oswal API portal.
2. Add your Motilal Oswal account details in AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading.
Step 1:
For creating an API and getting the TOTP key :- Go to to log in.
- Enter the ‘Client Code,’ ‘Mobile Number,’ or ‘Email ID’ along with the ‘Password.’
- And then enter the ‘OTP’ received on the registered mobile number or email.

Step 2:
- You will be redirected to a new page. From there, click on the ‘Create an API key’ button.
- Enter the ‘App Name’ (e.g., ‘Algodelta’) and set both ‘Redirect URL’ and ‘Callback URL’ to ‘‘.
- Then, click on the ‘Create’ button.

As you create your first API, you will also be able to see your TOTP key.

Step 3:
Now, go to AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading using the following link: Enter your AlgoDelta email ID and password.

Step 4:
Go to the “Demat” tab and click on “Add Demat Account.” Select “motilaloswal” as the broker and provide the following details: Nickname, Mobile Number, Email, User ID , Password, Api Key (generated from the motilaloswal MO API portal), DOB (DD/MM/YYYY), and TOTP Key then Click on “Add.” You will see a “Broker Connected” pop-up.