To connect Zerodha in AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading software, follow these steps:
1. GenerateAPI Key from the Zerodha trade Portal.
2. Add Zerodha Account Details in Algodelta’s Copy Trading
Step 1:
Open the Developer Kite website using the following link:
Enter your Email ID and Password to log in.
Once you logged in Click on Billing to add ₹ 2000 to purchase API.

Step 2:
Once you clicked on billing. You will see the below screen.
Enter 2000 and click on “Add Credits”. You can add via card, UPI or net banking option.

Step 3:
Once you entered Credit Click on “Create new app”.
You will see Api Creation Form. Enter the Required details in the URL section to enter ““. Then Click on “Create”

Step 4:
Once you clicked on Create you will see one popup in that You have to confirm that you want to create api key. Enter “I UNDERSTAND” then click on Ok.
It will generate API key for you. Save these details to enter into Algodelta’s copy trading.

Step 5:
Now, go to AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading using the following link: Enter your AlgoDelta email ID and password.

Step 6:
Go to the “Demat” tab and click on “Add Demat Account” Select “zerodhawithapi” as the broker and provide the following details: Nickname, Mobile Number, Email, Zerodha ID, Zerodha API Key and API Secret (generated from the Zerodha portal). Click on “Add.” You will see another tab for login into zerodha.
Step 7:
You will have to enter Zerodha user id and password then click on Login. Now you have to enter TOTP Which you get from your authenticator app which you have added in above steps. after entering TOTP click on Continue. You will see a “Broker Connected” pop-up.

By following these steps, you will successfully connect your Zerodha account to AlgoDelta’s Copy Trading software and gain access to its features for enhanced trading experiences.